The CRC-CCITT cyclic redundancy check code in international standard is studied in this paper. The polarities check ability, minimum code distance and capacity of correct single bit error of CRC-CCITT are proved by using galois field polynomial theory. 以国际标准CRC-CCITT循环冗余校验码为研究对象,利用近世代数多项式理论证明其奇偶校验性质、最小码距和纠正单比特错误能力。
Existing optimization flag is the flag bits as much as possible to avoid redundancy analysis processing flag value, thereby reducing the MIPS instruction generated translation, but for non-redundant bit flag value, an instruction still requires a large translation. 现有的标志位优化技术是通过标志位分析处理以尽可能避免冗余标志位的定值,从而减少翻译产生的MIPS指令,但是对于非冗余的标志位定值,仍需要大量的指令翻译。